Paintless Dent Repair
Paintless dent repair is an extremely specialized process that utilizes tools designed to gain access behind the damaged panel. Trained technicians apply pressure to the dented areas while meticulously massaging, manipulating, and reforming the metal back into its pre-accident condition. Our Kansas City paintless dent repair specialists have honed their skills and possess all the necessary tools to restore your vehicle to its former glory. By using this technique, we can effectively remove dents and dings without the need for repainting, ensuring a seamless finish that will leave your car looking as good as new.

Experience The Difference
Paintless Dent Repair does not hide your damage, instead removes it from the backside of the panel without the use of paint fillers (body putty), sanding or repainting the vehicle. Panels are not replaced and painted requiring blending into adjacent panels in order to match paint color and texture. Kansas City paintless dent repair is the preferred “first choice solution” for auto ding and dent repair. It’s also the only form of repair that retains the original body panels and factory or custom paint finish.
We understand some customers are shopping for the lowest price. We also understand that they may be unaware that PDR takes a lot of skill. We can’t stress enough how important it is to choose a local paintless dent repair company based on their reputation and reviews. No matter how low the cost of the repair, it won’t have any significance if the quality isn’t excellent. Our goal is to maintain the highest standard without sacrificing quality at an affordable price.
The Best Option
Paintless dent repair is a viable option sometimes, but this mostly depends on the type of damage and where it is located. PDR is recommended for less serious accidents resulting in small dings that can be easily banged out. Think: hail damage, baseballs to the roof, small fender benders, shopping carts at the grocery store, etc.
Paintless dent repair is best used on metal or aluminum panels. It is not a viable option for removing dents in fiberglass panels. However, PDR for aluminum panels is considered a more complex procedure and often attracts a higher markup per panel.
Kansas City paintless dent repair at Drive Fast Auto Body is generally a quicker and more affordable form of dent repair since it does not affect the paint job done at the factory. It is also a less intrusive process for dent repair, which makes it ideal for small to medium repairs.